Q How soon after my lash lift can I resume my activities

A. We recommend 48 hours. No sweat, washing, or harsh chemicals that interfere with your new treatment. This will not guarantee the results you desire, if not followed.


Q. My brows appear darker next day?

A. Yes, it is typical and expected. The treatment penetrates into a darker pigment, then should lighten or appear less noticeable after 24 hours.


Q. My face feels dry after a treatment?

A. Dryness vs dehydrated skin is not a reaction however a internal response. Increasing liquids and staying on top of your recommended skin treatments are necessary.



A. Shedding. A common cycle and very normal cycle of shedding lashes. Your in good hands with me as I gear towards keeping lash health my top priority. You will be advised to keep up on clean healthy lashes practices, and booking an earlier appointments.


Q. my eyes are tearing after my appointment?

A. Vestibulum felis sapien, tincidunt a enim et, hendrerit molestie turpis. Aliquam hendrerit sem vitae laoreet condimentum. Sed nisi arcu, tincidunt lacinia viverra vitae, accumsan ac nibh. Integer sed tempus massa. Nam tortor felis, faucibus vel euismod et, ornare non felis. Duis sed elementum quam. Mauris et nisi purus. Nam sed pellentesque purus, id commodo nibh. Mauris dignissim blandit suscipit.